Driving Restrictions for Heavy Goods Vehicles in the European Union

Habis terjual
Kode Buku
Nama Pengarang
Aad W. van den Engel
Nama Penerbit
Tahun Terbit
July 2010
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

The motivation behind establishment of a driving restriction in a certain region is quite divers. It ranges from environmental issues, such as noise and pollution reduction, to improvement of road safety during public holidays. The implementation of most of the driving restrictions was well motivated by the legislative institutions. However, in principle all driving restrictions for international road freight transport hinder the free flow of goods in the European Union. From this viewpoint the actual number of restrictions shall be kept to a minimum. For this reason the European Commission assigned NEA to provide insight into the impact of driving restrictions on the functioning of the internal market.

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Driving Restrictions for Heavy Goods Vehicles in the European Union
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