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Australia has a long way to go before it can catch-up to the impressive uptake of EVs in Norway and other Nordic countries. However it is all well within reach through targeted government policies. Equally important, many of these policies are popular with Australians. Recent Australia Institute’s research has found three in five
Australian’s support a national program to switch to an electrically charged transport system (62%).
When it comes to specific policies there is an overwhelming majority of Australians (79%) who support the Government building a network of EV charging stations across the country. The majority of Australians support for governments to procure electric vehicle fleets (76%) and providing loans for electric vehicle uptake (55%).16 While some policies are not very popular in Australia, including allowing EVs to use dedicated bus lanes, there remains a menu of choices the government can choose from and implement in the next year. All that is missing is the leadership to drive the change.