Disaster-Resilient Infrastructure Unlocking Opportunities For Asia And The Pacific

Habis terjual
Kode Buku
ISBN 978-92-9269-489-0
Nama Pengarang
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Nama Penerbit
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Tahun Terbit
April 2022
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

Resilience is a critical challenge for developing Asia, where exposure to climate and geophysical hazards is widespread. Between 2004 and 2020, disasters caused losses of over $500 billion in the region, and affected 2.1 billion people (Sirivunnabood and Alwarritzi 2020). The risk posed by natural hazards is expected to intensify in the coming decades as economies grow, urbanize, and grapple with climate change. Resilience planning, including measures taken to reduce, transfer, and manage climate and disaster risk, will be of vital importance to developing Asia as it strives to sustain economic development and reduce poverty

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Disaster-Resilient Infrastructure Unlocking Opportunities For Asia And The Pacific

Resilience is a critical challenge for developing Asia, where exposure to climate and geophysical hazards is widespread. Between 2004 and 2020, disasters caused losses of over $500 billion in the region, and affected 2.1 billion people (Sirivunnabood and Alwarritzi 2020). The risk posed by natural hazards is expected to intensify in the coming decades as economies grow, urbanize, and grapple with climate change. Resilience planning, including measures taken to reduce, transfer, and manage climate and disaster risk, will be of vital importance to developing Asia as it strives to sustain economic development and reduce poverty

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