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The use of natural frequency as a diagnostic parameter in structural assessment procedures using vibration monitoring is discussed in the paper. The approach is based on the fact that natural frequencies are sensitive indicators of structural integrity. Thus, an analysis of periodical frequency measurements can be used to monitor structural condition. Since frequency measurements can be cheaply acquired, the approach could provide an inexpensive structural assessment technique. The relationships between frequency changes and structural damage are discussed. Various methods proposed for detecting damage using natural frequencies are reviewed. Factors which could limit successful application of vibration monitoring to damage detection and structural assessment are also discussed
The use of natural frequency as a diagnostic parameter in structural assessment procedures using vibration monitoring is discussed in the paper. The approach is based on the fact that natural frequencies are sensitive indicators of structural integrity. Thus, an analysis of periodical frequency measurements can be used to monitor structural condition. Since frequency measurements can be cheaply acquired, the approach could provide an inexpensive structural assessment technique. The relationships between frequency changes and structural damage are discussed. Various methods proposed for detecting damage using natural frequencies are reviewed. Factors which could limit successful application of vibration monitoring to damage detection and structural assessment are also discussed