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The current TxDOT design process for highway noise barriers is reviewed. Design requirements for highway noise barriers are then presented. These include acoustical requirements, structural requirements, safety requirements, aesthetic requirements, and cost considerations. Examples are given of different highway noise barriers used in Texas. Sample plans and specifications are presented. Design requirements are broadly grouped into acoustical requirements, environmental requirements, traffic safety requirements, and structural requirements; those requirements are again presented, drawing on the material presented in the preceding chapters.
The current TxDOT design process for highway noise barriers is reviewed. Design requirements for highway noise barriers are then presented. These include acoustical requirements, structural requirements, safety requirements, aesthetic requirements, and cost considerations. Examples are given of different highway noise barriers used in Texas. Sample plans and specifications are presented. Design requirements are broadly grouped into acoustical requirements, environmental requirements, traffic safety requirements, and structural requirements; those requirements are again presented, drawing on the material presented in the preceding chapters.