Construction automation : Research areas, industry concerns and suggestions for advancement

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Nama Pengarang
Qian Chen , Borja García de Soto , Bryan T. Adeya
Nama Penerbit
Elsevier B.V.
Tahun Terbit
07 June 2018
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

Construction automation has shown the potential to increase construction productivity after years of technical development and experimenting in its field. Exactly how, and the possible benefits and challenges of construction automation, though is unclear and missing from current research efforts. In order to better understand the comprehensive potential of construction automation for increasing construction productivity and the associated possible ramifications, an objective and data-driven review of the use of automation technologies in construction was done

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Construction automation : Research areas, industry concerns and suggestions for advancement

Construction automation has shown the potential to increase construction productivity after years of technical development and experimenting in its field. Exactly how, and the possible benefits and challenges of construction automation, though is unclear and missing from current research efforts. In order to better understand the comprehensive potential of construction automation for increasing construction productivity and the associated possible ramifications, an objective and data-driven review of the use of automation technologies in construction was done

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