Concrete Pevement Texture and optimizing functional performance

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Robert Otto Rasmussen, PhD, INCE, PE and Richard C. Sohaney
Nama Penerbit
The Transtec Group
Tahun Terbit
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

Concrete pavement texture is defined by the irregularities on a concrete pavement surface that deviate from an ideal, perfectly flat surface. Texture influences many aspects of road safety and comfort, including friction, smoothness, splash & spray, rolling resistance, and numerous others. The focus of this paper is on techniques to measure and analyze texture, particularly that which influences tire-pavement noise and friction. Standards for characterizing texture geometrically are described, and techniques that describe texture in terms of its influence on functional performance are explored.

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Concrete Pevement Texture and optimizing functional performance

Concrete pavement texture is defined by the irregularities on a concrete pavement surface that deviate from an ideal, perfectly flat surface. Texture influences many aspects of road safety and comfort, including friction, smoothness, splash & spray, rolling resistance, and numerous others. The focus of this paper is on techniques to measure and analyze texture, particularly that which influences tire-pavement noise and friction. Standards for characterizing texture geometrically are described, and techniques that describe texture in terms of its influence on functional performance are explored.

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