Comparative measurements of tire/pavement noise in europe and the united states

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Paul R. Donavan, Sc.D.
Nama Penerbit
Tahun Terbit
July 26, 2006
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

Pavements in four European countries were measured for their tire noise performance in a manner identical to that done in the States of California and Arizona. This allowed the comparison of pavements that provided a range of noise performance from quiet to noisy and the examination of different pavements design approaches between Europe and the southwestern states. A total of sixtyeight pavements were measured in Europe for comparison to over two hundred pavements measured in California and Arizona. This comparison indicated that the range of pavement tire noise levels was similar between both regions with the quietest European pavements performing slightly better than the best in California or Arizona. Several constructions not generally in use in the U.S. were evaluated in Europe and found to perform well within their respective pavement category. These included double layer porous asphalt of fine aggregate size, porous Portland cement concrete, and exposed fineaggregate Portland cement concrete. Pavements common to both Europe and California and Arizona produced similarly noise levels when pavement textures and aggregate sizes were considered. California and Arizona rubberized asphalt pavements, which were not encountered in Europe, displayed performance approaching that of the quieter doubled layer porous asphalt constructions.

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Comparative measurements of tire/pavement noise in europe and the united states

Pavements in four European countries were measured for their tire noise performance in a manner identical to that done in the States of California and Arizona. This allowed the comparison of pavements that provided a range of noise performance from quiet to noisy and the examination of different pavements design approaches between Europe and the southwestern states. A total of sixtyeight pavements were measured in Europe for comparison to over two hundred pavements measured in California and Arizona. This comparison indicated that the range of pavement tire noise levels was similar between both regions with the quietest European pavements performing slightly better than the best in California or Arizona. Several constructions not generally in use in the U.S. were evaluated in Europe and found to perform well within their respective pavement category. These included double layer porous asphalt of fine aggregate size, porous Portland cement concrete, and exposed fineaggregate Portland cement concrete. Pavements common to both Europe and California and Arizona produced similarly noise levels when pavement textures and aggregate sizes were considered. California and Arizona rubberized asphalt pavements, which were not encountered in Europe, displayed performance approaching that of the quieter doubled layer porous asphalt constructions.

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