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In this study, a development and evaluation of closed-form backcalculation algorithms was proposed. The aims of this research were to examine the merits of currently available closed-form backcalculation algorithms, and develop a procedure to derive the composite modulus of subgrade reaction (composite k value) for a rigid pavement with a subbase layer using a suitable closed-form backcalculation algorithm, and to develop a closed-form backcalculation algorithm for multi-layer flexible pavement system
In this study, a development and evaluation of closed-form backcalculation algorithms was proposed. The aims of this research were to examine the merits of currently available closed-form backcalculation algorithms, and develop a procedure to derive the composite modulus of subgrade reaction (composite k value) for a rigid pavement with a subbase layer using a suitable closed-form backcalculation algorithm, and to develop a closed-form backcalculation algorithm for multi-layer flexible pavement system