Climate, Urbanization, And Conflict: The Effects Of Weather Shocks And Floods On Urban Social Disorder

Habis terjual
Kode Buku
ISSN 2313-6537
Nama Pengarang
David Castells-Quintana and Thomas K.J. McDermott
Nama Penerbit
Asian Development Bank Institute
Tahun Terbit
July 2019
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

In this paper, we test the effect of weather shocks and floods on urban social disorder for a panel of large cities in developing countries. We focus on a particular mechanism, namely the displacement of population into (large) cities. We test this hypothesis using a novel dataset on floods—distinguishing those that affected large cities directly from those that occurred outside of our sample of large cities.

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Climate, Urbanization, And Conflict: The Effects Of Weather Shocks And Floods On Urban Social Disorder

In this paper, we test the effect of weather shocks and floods on urban social disorder for a panel of large cities in developing countries. We focus on a particular mechanism, namely the displacement of population into (large) cities. We test this hypothesis using a novel dataset on floods—distinguishing those that affected large cities directly from those that occurred outside of our sample of large cities.

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