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Automated and robotics-based techniques are currently used in a limited extent in road construction. The costs for road construction, inspection, and maintenance are increasing, and therefore, more efficient techniques are becoming necessary. For this the use of robotics technology is important. Promoted by the European Union (DG VII) the project ART (Automated and Robotics-based Techniques) supplies an analysis of the currently used techniques for road construction. The potential for automating steps in the construction process is studied. Especially the possibilities of using robotics-based techniques is determined. Based on this analysis a concept for a new generation of highly automated construction machines is being developed.
Automated and robotics-based techniques are currently used in a limited extent in road construction. The costs for road construction, inspection, and maintenance are increasing, and therefore, more efficient techniques are becoming necessary. For this the use of robotics technology is important. Promoted by the European Union (DG VII) the project ART (Automated and Robotics-based Techniques) supplies an analysis of the currently used techniques for road construction. The potential for automating steps in the construction process is studied. Especially the possibilities of using robotics-based techniques is determined. Based on this analysis a concept for a new generation of highly automated construction machines is being developed.