ASEAN Catalytic Green Finance Facility An ASEAn Infrastructure Fund Initiative

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ASEAN Catalytic Green Finance Facility (ACGF)
Nama Penerbit
ASEAN Catalytic Green Finance Facility (ACGF)
Tahun Terbit
April 2020
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

The ACGF is an innovative finance facility under the ASEAN Infrastructure Fund dedicated to accelerating green infrastructure investments in Southeast Asia. It supports ASEAN governments to prepare and source public and private financing for infrastructure projects that promote environmental sustainability and contribute to climate change goals. The ACGF is owned by the 10 ASEAN member states and the Asian Development Bank, which also administers the facility.

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ASEAN Catalytic Green Finance Facility An ASEAn Infrastructure Fund Initiative

The ACGF is an innovative finance facility under the ASEAN Infrastructure Fund dedicated to accelerating green infrastructure investments in Southeast Asia. It supports ASEAN governments to prepare and source public and private financing for infrastructure projects that promote environmental sustainability and contribute to climate change goals. The ACGF is owned by the 10 ASEAN member states and the Asian Development Bank, which also administers the facility.

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