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To evaluate the laboratory field correlation for the Hamburg Wheel Tracking Device (HWTD), nine test sections were constructed on IH-20 in Harrison County. This research included a monitoring of the construction of the test sections, the collection of construction data, performance data through a 5-year period, and performance data from laboratory tests using the HWTD, and an analysis of the collected information. Field performance was observed through visual pavement condition surveys and nondestructive tests for 4 years. In this study, similar types of deformation patterns were observed between the field test sections and lab specimens. Thus similar types of deformation patterns were assumed for both. At the end of the study, it was found that the average ratio between wheel pass/ESALs could be assumed to be 37 for the specific mixes utilized for this particular research project
To evaluate the laboratory field correlation for the Hamburg Wheel Tracking Device (HWTD), nine test sections were constructed on IH-20 in Harrison County. This research included a monitoring of the construction of the test sections, the collection of construction data, performance data through a 5-year period, and performance data from laboratory tests using the HWTD, and an analysis of the collected information. Field performance was observed through visual pavement condition surveys and nondestructive tests for 4 years. In this study, similar types of deformation patterns were observed between the field test sections and lab specimens. Thus similar types of deformation patterns were assumed for both. At the end of the study, it was found that the average ratio between wheel pass/ESALs could be assumed to be 37 for the specific mixes utilized for this particular research project