An EV Playbook for Electric Buses

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An EV Playbook for Electric Buses
Kode Buku
Nama Pengarang
John Graham
Nama Penerbit
International Finance Corporation
Tahun Terbit
January 2020
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik
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An EV Playbook for Electric Buses

The broad-based electrification of buses and other urban transport represents a massive investment opportunity for IFC and other investors to invest in higher quality, sustainable transport while addressing climate change and improving air quality. At the same time, this sector is beset with some of the trickiest issues related to transport infrastructure, power, municipal finance, and even local politics. For now, investors should be planting seeds with municipalities and the “A students” from the private sector in preparation for what lies ahead. If we are clever and persistent (and perhaps a bit daring), we could ride this wave of sector disruption for the next decade.

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