Advances in manufacturing : Decision, control, and information technology

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ISBN·13: 978· 1-4471 · 121 7-4
Nama Pengarang
S.G. Tz.afestas, PhD
Nama Penerbit
Springer-V crlag London Limited
Tahun Terbit
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

Manufacturing systems constitute one of the major classes of technological systems that need the synergy of techniques and tools from such disciplines as sensor technology, control engineering, management science, and computer and information technology. New manufacturing systems are continuously being designed, tested and put in operation via these technologies.

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Advances in manufacturing : Decision, control, and information technology

Manufacturing systems constitute one of the major classes of technological systems that need the synergy of techniques and tools from such disciplines as sensor technology, control engineering, management science, and computer and information technology. New manufacturing systems are continuously being designed, tested and put in operation via these technologies.

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