Achieving Sustainable Micro Mobility

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Achieving Sustainable Micro Mobility
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Tahun Terbit
April 2020
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

This paper was born from program recommendations to the City of Hoboken as part of their six-month micro-mobility pilot program evaluation. It also aims to identify strategic goals of a sustainable micro-mobility program shared amongst all cities and propose practical key performance indicators (KPI) that can be used to assess its strengths and weaknesses.

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Achieving Sustainable Micro Mobility

Is micro-mobility helping or hurting our cities? In the past few years, micro-mobility services have been arriving at unprecedented speed and scale to cities that are often ill-prepared to manage them. In these early years of micro-mobility, the metrics used to describe the programs are limited to general statistics.

Detailed data is often gathered in a manner that makes it hard to assess how it is aligned with a city’s goals. The lack of standardization can also pose a challenge as it is hard to identify best practices and compare micro-mobility schemes.

This report aims to push the discussion away from general statistics about micro-mobility and towards the identification of tangible key performance indicators (KPI) that can be measured by any city to better understand how successful they are in providing new mobility options to their communities, and where they can improve.

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