Accelerating Low Carbon Pathways Through E-Mobility

Habis terjual
Accelerating Low Carbon Pathways Through E-Mobility
Kode Buku
Nama Pengarang
Chiang, A.P., and Gruter, J.M.
Nama Penerbit
Asian Development Bank
Tahun Terbit
March 2023
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

This publication was commissioned by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) under the regional technical
assistance (TA) for TA 9420: Implementation of Sustainable Transport for All. The TA was cofinanced
by the Government of Japan, through the High-Level Technology Fund; the Republic of Korea, through
the Republic of Korea e-Asia and Knowledge Partnership Fund; and the United Kingdom, through the
Urban Climate Change Resilience Trust Fund under the Urban Financing Partnership Facility. ADB wishes
to acknowledge the valuable inputs and contributions of all stakeholders that contributed to this piece.

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Accelerating Low Carbon Pathways Through E-Mobility

This publication was commissioned by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) under the regional technical
assistance (TA) for TA 9420: Implementation of Sustainable Transport for All. The TA was cofinanced
by the Government of Japan, through the High-Level Technology Fund; the Republic of Korea, through
the Republic of Korea e-Asia and Knowledge Partnership Fund; and the United Kingdom, through the
Urban Climate Change Resilience Trust Fund under the Urban Financing Partnership Facility. ADB wishes
to acknowledge the valuable inputs and contributions of all stakeholders that contributed to this piece.

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