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Concrete is used as a barrier on surface or near-surface facilities for the final disposal of low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste, where gas can be generated and affect the hydraulic properties and the processes taking place in concrete. In this framework, gas-transport properties of concrete samples were investigated using two different laboratory test set-ups: non-steady-state equipment working under low injection pressures; and a newly fine-tuned steady-state set-up working under different pressures.
Concrete is used as a barrier on surface or near-surface facilities for the final disposal of low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste, where gas can be generated and affect the hydraulic properties and the processes taking place in concrete. In this framework, gas-transport properties of concrete samples were investigated using two different laboratory test set-ups: a non-steady-state equipment working under low injection pressures; and a newly fine-tuned steady-state set-up working under different pressures.