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Transverse joints were placed at a sequence of distances of 3.4 - 3.6 - 3.8 m, as well as a longitudinal joint between traffic lanes. All of them were sawn and then sealed. Aiming to reduce noise levels, the texture was obtained by micromilling the surface (this was the first Spanish experience). In addition, evenness problems caused by stops of the paver were also corrected. Last but not least, speed of construction was increased with respect to that achieved when an exposed aggregate texture was selected at the beginning of the work, since winter conditions prevailing at the jobsite hindered the removal of unset surface mortar and therefore the cutting of joints. As a result, a silent, high skid-resistant texture was achieved. All things considered, micromilling increases both comfort and safety of drivers.
Transverse joints were placed at a sequence of distances of 3.4 - 3.6 - 3.8 m, as well as a longitudinal joint between traffic lanes. All of them were sawn and then sealed. Aiming to reduce noise levels, the texture was obtained by micromilling the surface (this was the first Spanish experience). In addition, evenness problems caused by stops of the paver were also corrected. Last but not least, speed of construction was increased with respect to that achieved when an exposed aggregate texture was selected at the beginning of the work, since winter conditions prevailing at the jobsite hindered the removal of unset surface mortar and therefore the cutting of joints. As a result, a silent, high skid-resistant texture was achieved. All things considered, micromilling increases both comfort and safety of drivers.