A Holistic Ecosystem-Based Approach to Ecological Protection and Green Development: The Case of Huangshan in the People’s Republic of China

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Kode Buku
ISBN 978-92-9269-059-5
Nama Pengarang
Mingyuan Fan
Nama Penerbit
Tahun Terbit
September 2021
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

The Huangshan project represents a pioneering and comprehensive ecological protection and green development model for small and medium-sized cities in the People’s Republic of China

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A Holistic Ecosystem-Based Approach to Ecological Protection and Green Development: The Case of Huangshan in the People’s Republic of China

The Huangshan project represents a pioneering and comprehensive ecological protection and green development model for small and medium-sized cities in the People’s Republic of China

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