Sustainable and Quality Infrastructure Beyond the Covid-19 Pandemic: Proposals for New Financing Models

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Kode Buku
Nama Pengarang
Rym Ayadi, Dina Azhgaliyeva, Tetsushi Sonobe, Nella Sri Hendriyetty
Nama Penerbit
Asian Development Bank Institute
Tahun Terbit
September 2021
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik
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Sustainable and Quality Infrastructure Beyond the Covid-19 Pandemic: Proposals for New Financing Models

Infrastructure investment is indispensable for green and inclusive recovery from the COVID- 19 pandemic. However, public funding has been limited due to the use of funds for the immediate needs of COVID-19 recovery, and private investors have also reshaped their investment profile to address the difficult circumstances.
Many enablers for boosting economic growth through infrastructure development have been identified during the pandemic, and government intervention is needed to harness their benefits. Such intervention includes well designed stimulus packages, innovative financing instruments and improvements in governance. This policy brief will discuss these factors and provide recommendations that policy makers can utilise to accelerate economic growth through infrastructure development.

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