Self-Sensing Cementitious Composites: Review And Perspective

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Zere Bekzhanova, Shazim Ali Memon, and Jong Ryeol Kim
Nama Penerbit
Tahun Terbit
10 September 2021
Jenis Buku
Buku Elektronik

Self-sensing concrete (SSC) has been vastly studied for its possibility to provide a costeffective solution for structural health monitoring of concrete structures, rendering it very attractive in real-life applications. In this review paper, comprehensive information about the components of self-sensing concrete, dispersion methods and mix design, as well as the recent progress in the field of self-sensing concrete, has been provided.

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Self-Sensing Cementitious Composites: Review And Perspective

Self-sensing concrete (SSC) has been vastly studied for its possibility to provide a costeffective solution for structural health monitoring of concrete structures, rendering it very attractive in real-life applications. In this review paper, comprehensive information about the components of self-sensing concrete, dispersion methods and mix design, as well as the recent progress in the field of self-sensing concrete, has been provided.

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