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A key concept here is a systematic approach. Oftentimes we act to improve a high-incident location, when there may be another identical situation elsewhere on our system. The improvements described in this report are most effective when they are applied throughout the highway system, as a means to prevent future crashes from occurring. While this report highlights a number of remedies for keeping drivers on the road, the essential ingredient in improving our safety record is your commitment as the leader of a state department of transportation. Through AASHTO we have set an aggressive goal to reduce the nation’s current level of highway fatalities by 1,000 every year for the next two decades. That will reduce highway deaths by half, on our way to the ultimate goal of eliminating them entirely.
A key concept here is a systematic approach. Oftentimes we act to improve a high-incident location, when there may be another identical situation elsewhere on our system. The improvements described in this report are most effective when they are applied throughout the highway system, as a means to prevent future crashes from occurring. While this report highlights a number of remedies for keeping drivers on the road, the essential ingredient in improving our safety record is your commitment as the leader of a state department of transportation. Through AASHTO we have set an aggressive goal to reduce the nation’s current level of highway fatalities by 1,000 every year for the next two decades. That will reduce highway deaths by half, on our way to the ultimate goal of eliminating them entirely.